Credit Repair & Document Preparation
- We never charge an up front fee
- We do not charge an hourly fee
- We charge less than you would pay for a few hours with an attorney
- We do not stick you with any hidden fees
- We will be there for you every step of the way
We help and guide you from start to finish and we prepare all of the documentation for the various credit agencies. Our fees are reasonable and there are NO long binding contracts. We stand behind our work!
These people had amazing results
"Excellent services. NHTR Consulting Co., LLC raised my score 136 points in a little over a year. I highly recommend their services!"
Adam Sendler
"The owner at NHTR Consulting Co., LLC made it happen for us. In 6 months we were able to refi at a great rate! Well worth it. NHTR Consulting Co., LLC removed items we had no idea were on our credit report. Highly recommend their services."
Mila Kunis
"Call back was timely and conversation was very professional. I feel at ease and comfortable. thank you. Look forward to doing business with you."
Mike Sendler